Saturday, May 31, 2008

How do you move an island?

Mohammad Mansouryar tells us how to travel through space and time and, technically, how to move an island.There are also allusions to the DHARMA Initiative in what he says.Extracts from The Sri Lanka Video are shown for comparison. For a more in depth look, (with diagrams which include time traveling bunnies !! ) click on the header above.

Anyone with a little ponder can find out the mankind cannot live on the earth forever.

There are a lot of threats for us on this planet: Global warming, probability of striking the space wandering masses to the earth, destruction of jungles, greenhouse gases, pollution of the environment, deathful illnesses, wars & WMDs, natural calamities & more cases. Therefore, the idea of leaving the earth to settle in some proper planets is reasonable, even necessary.

On the other hand, decreasing the population of the world via that way can solve many problems about scarcity of natural sources, fair distribution of the wealth, security & so on. So IMHO, colonizing other planets is a desired work to lessen the pressures on the earth. However, the question is: By which technology?

In 1962, only thirteen years ago, the world came to the brink of nuclear war. The United States and the Soviet Union almost fulfilled the promise of mutual assured destruction. A promise they continue to foster through a destructive Cold War. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, both nations decided to find a solution. The result was the Valenzetti Equation Commissioned under the highest secrecy, through the U.N. Security Council, the equation is the brainchild of the Italian mathematician Enzo Valenzetti. It predicts the exact number of years and months until humanity extinguishes itself. Whether through nuclear fire, chemical and biological warfare, conventional warfare, pandemic, over-population... The results are chilling, and attention must be paid... (Alvar Hanso, Sri Lanka Video)

Now with an eye to cosmic distances measured by the speed of light in a year, it can be understood that every space travel in a plausible time should be comparable to the speed of light "c"; just think to the nearest star to us after sun, 4.28 light years away!

So more velocity in the space is needed, but stop! The final goal cannot be the final velocity!

  • You need to be able to travel faster than light.

The "c" is too tiny regarding the cosmic distances, the special relativity states more velocity causes inertia increasing / length decreasing effects.

  • Light speed isn't enough,it could cause ship to expand and contract, causing it to slow.

Also, handling a spacecraft with high velocity amongst the interstellar dust, meteorites, wandering masses, asteroids & providing its propulsion fuel, is excessively difficult.

So absolute part of our attention has to be on the "distance reduction" instead; i.e., there is a locally simple displacement & the velocity of object is very less than c but the considered distance changes so that consequently would be less devoted time, finally in compared to a situation if a light pulse would be supposed to pass the same distance. In other words if we cannot change our velocity - never mind - but we change our course in which finally we arrive from the same origin to the same destination. There are several ideas on this scheme such as traversable wormholes (TWs) & warp drives (WDs); but there are problems in them, more than all the required energy to maintain them.

  • There are ways around light speed,you could bend the distance over on itself. This is one way of moving the island,create a worm hole.

In the general relativity (GR), the distribution of matter-energy causes the configuration of spacetime & vice versa. It means the equations are nonlinear. Indeed, the TWs & WDs are particular configurations of spacetime one needs for transferring a spacecraft with a locally low velocity & velocity more than c effectively. Besides, the energy they need to be stable, has a negative sign, called the exotic matter, proposed to be generated in some ways, most famous of all by the Casimir effect ...

  • So the island can teleport itself because of its special properties, the casimir effect and the exotic matter. It does this by opening a worm hole or vortex, then slips through, either forward or back in time!!